This function allows you to interact with a user by posing questions that accept text input. It's inspired by usethis::ui_yeah() and shiny::textInput(). It wraps base::readline() with cli::cli_text() allowing you to format questions using the cli package.

cl_text_input(prompt, .envir = parent.frame(1))



A character string with the question to be asked. Passed into cli::cli_text() and can use its theming syntax.


Used to ensure that cli::cli_text() evaluates the prompt, yes_message, and no_message in the appropriate environment. Expert use only.


A character string containing the user's response.


In general, I would recommend using cl_text_action as it accepts code to execute depending on the user's input, but this function is perhaps more adaptable.

See also

Other command-line-tools: cl_text_action(), cl_yes_no_action(), cl_yes_no_lgl()


favorite_cat_question <- function() { answer <- cl_text_input("Name your {.strong favorite} cat.") if (tolower(answer) != "tucker") { cli::cli_alert_danger("\U1F63E Come meet my cat, Tucker, and I think you'll change your mind!") } else { cli::cli_alert_success("Correct answer! \U1F63B") } } favorite_dog_question <- function() { answer <- cl_text_input("Name your {.strong favorite} dog.") if (tolower(answer) != "ella") { cli::cli_alert_danger("\U1F44E Come meet my dog, Ella, and I think you'll change your mind!") } else { cli::cli_alert_success("Correct answer!\U1F436") } } if (interactive()) favorite_cat_question() if (interactive()) favorite_dog_question()